
Archive for the ‘Scorpio’ Category

Gate in the Woods                                                     photo: Bruce Lhuillier


A new Moon in Scorpio offers a gate,  an entry, a lintel to a place we would rather postpone or avoid.  What happens when we feel the energy of a doorway?  How much do we dare to feel in times of deep and perhaps sudden transformation.  Look through the gate in the photo above, and see that the space beyond is magical, but the entry is blocked by large stones.   The access is difficult and what lies beyond may not feel entirely friendly.   This time is a moment of challenge.   It is a time of ending.  Many planets in this chart are in late degree…..about to experience a change of element and mood.


New Moon in Scorpio

In the United States, the spectre of political death plays out everywhere, leaving only stunned silence.   To prevent further attacks, we are told to hire ‘armed guards.’  Yet clearly this is about a transformation which feels too difficult to bear by some.    Many planets are in retrograde motion, the energy of reversal before new journeys can begin. The new Moon will follow election day.  We vote for the future in the darkest hour of the Moon’s journey.

green Dragon in fog copy                                          photo: Bruce Lhuillier

Before the new, we face the old….the fears that lurk in the entry way to new territory!  The season of Halloween gives us that opportunity each year…to be terrified and then to laugh with relief as we see the phantom as an old bed sheet, and the demon as a trick of light.  Whatever terrifies, also enlivens us!   The heart beats faster and faster!

Arkham Asylum                                             photo: Bruce Lhuillier

This particular new Moon in Scorpio is the astrological moment of Samhain (Halloween): 15 degrees of Scorpio!  And the Sabian Symbol is: ‘ A girl’s face breaking into a smile’!  Laughing… at Death?  Smiling with the joy of understanding what lies behind the mask?

mossy chasm                                             photo: Bruce Lhuillier

Be prepared to go deep into the season of end and beginning, into the ‘Valley of the Shadow of Death.’   Feel the mossy walls of life renewal, the birch tree which grows into the stones with only one toe in life sustaining soil.   Scorpio strips away ego, and leaves only the resource of ancestor and bone.

I wrote a poem about how this season feels to a tree…..

Going and Coming         Sarah Fuhro


Hawk left my arms this morning,

My leaves sail away on their journey,

But Moon makes a promise:

Soon I will turn my face to you,

And we begin anew.


Hawk left my arms at dawn,

leaves sail away on their journey.

Moon makes a promise:

I will turn my face to you,

And we begin anew.


Bird, gone; leaves, gone; Moon turns her face,

and I am left with wind, and darkness.

My roots call Moon, call leaves, and bird

and, in the sweetest moment, they return.


Bird, gone; leaves, gone; Moon turns dark;

left with wind and earth, I call them back.

Keeping our Ancient Wisdom Alive

The Wisdom Tradition evolved over the centuries to address our deepest human needs. Sarah Fuhro is a practitioner of its many forms; including Astrology, Tarot, Flower Essences and Druidry. For an appointment call 508 652 9880 or email her at sarahfuhro@gmail.com.  In addition to personal consultations, Sarah teaches workshops and private classes, offering both clients and students knowledge powerfully rooted in the past, presented in the language of the present.








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spadex peeking out of skunk BL                                             photo: Bruce Lhuillier

We know scorpions have a sting which can bring pain and death. Taurus, the bull is filled with the life force of the Earth element, which celebrates growth and vitality.   It is easy enough to feel the sting of the scorpion, but the courage to face into the full presence of what is positive about life, is more elusive. The spadix held in the blossom of a skunk cabbage, reflects the beauty of potential, but what moves a seed or something within us, beyond seed to plant?

light in the stones                           photo: Bruce Lhuillier

I recently learned a new word from the teacher and writer, Jean Houston: entelechy.   The Scorpio full Moon, which takes place each spring while the Sun is in Taurus gives meaning to this word.   Entelechy means full existence. It means going beyond the acceptance of potential reality into actuality. It means the fullest realized aspect of ourselves, our soul in form.

Full Moon in Scorpio 2018 adv

I look forward to watching this full Moon rise at a Beltane ceremony on Saturday evening.   There is a powerful force lined up from the Grand Cross of Sun/Moon and Lunar Nodes. The Lunar nodes mark the site of eclipse paths, and they make an almost perfect cross with Sun and Moon. It gives emphasis to the ‘fixed’ signs where each of the Fire Festivals is celebrated and where the season is most fully celebrated. (Ceres) Demeter, the Earth Mother is embedded with the north node in Leo where Lughnasadh is celebrated. What is the ‘entelechy’ of the Earth?   Do we know how the seed of our planet will develop? For it seems as if this full Moon in Scorpio will give us a vision of that potential. This Sun-Moon square to the Lunar Nodes creates a ‘Moon Wobble’, similar to the energy of an eclipse. The next few days could make us feel unsure of the ground under our feet, and overly reactive, unless we enjoy the ride and react with compassion to whatever is going on around us!

two fat skunks in a hot tub BL                              photo: Bruce Lhuillier

Mars, and Pluto, co-rulers of Scorpio are conjunct in the sign of Capricorn. Here is another opportunity to take a very powerful Earth urge for manifestation and full acceptance and apply it to your life. If there is something from your ‘entelechy,’ your potential, which seems out of reach, now is the perfect moment to have the courage to carve it, to make it visible, to ‘form’ it. It takes tremendous courage to go from possibility to manifestation.  The combination of Mars, Pluto presents us with the need to transform or wither.

Apple Tree at heard Farm              photo: Sarah Fuhro

Saturn, the great manifester, is in harmony with the Sun and Moon. It’s much easier to feel potential than to turn it into form. The Scorpio-Taurus axis is all about seeds harvested at Scorpio’s season and the bursting forth of those seeds into every form of living plant in the time of Taurus!

circlet of green BL .jpg                            photo: Bruce Lhuillier

Wherever you are, I hope you reach your arms out to salute this full Moon on Sunday evening. Fill yourself with the Moon’s love for the Earth. We are that earth, not separate beings…press the beauty of the season to your heart.


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