
Archive for the ‘Hermit card in Tarot’ Category

New Moon in Pisces 2024, March 10, 2024, 5:00 AM EDT

photo: Sarah Fuhro

The planets remain locked in a tiny crescent or bowl pattern, which has been with us for many lunar cycles. The new Moon on Sunday takes place in this beautiful pattern once again. Does this suggest a brewing soup, Cerridwen’s cauldron, a slingshot full of planets to be flung across the sky? If so, is it something about past experience which will be the target? The South Node lies almost directly across from this huge gathering of planets. The South Node hints at what has been well developed, and yearns for new experience in the North Node, which is conjunct the planet of healing, Chiron. If we are tired of the same old wounds, Chiron promises to suggest new remedies.

Even if you know NOTHING about astrology, this chart has a visual impact. The pattern displays a message which suggests: compact energy, focus, cooperation among the planets and luminaries (the Sun and Moon). It does look as if Jupiter and Uranus are leading a crowd toward new territory, or is this a bouquet of spring flowers gathered from an awakening meadow?

So if Jupiter symbolizes expansive energy and Uranus is all about the revolution, how can we each use these forces to enhance and enrich our lives, hopes, and comprehension? Another item to be noted is that not a single planet is in retrograde. Everything moves forward in this chart, the cosmos is pulling us along towards….well, towards, what?

The Moon Smith-Waite deck

The Tarot card, which symbolizes the constellation Pisces where this new Moon takes place, illustrates evolution, but not an easy path. The little armored beast (lobster? cray fish?) who emerges from her Pisces watery home, will have to face fears, and the anxiety about how others will observe and judge her journey. Yet the path has great promise. The heavenly face of Sun and Moon (like their conjunction at the beginning of a new Moon cycle) watches with concern for our adventure into new territory, and scatters a shower of Yods over the path. Yods are the first letter (in Hebrew) of a name of the divine. As they shower down on the brave little armored beast they suggest cosmic approval of a rough path.

photo: Bruce Lhuillier sculpture in Cairo, New York

Maybe what is needed at this new Moon moment is light. Some bright guidance, must be searched for and then followed. It is the way of the dark Moon, as she slips into the bright light of the Sun to leave us behind without guidance. It is now the moment for each of us to notice light from hidden places, a glimpse, a tiny spark, a lantern where least expected.

photo: Bruce Lhuillier

The Lantern

Tonight I will enter

a dark garden.

I will hold the lantern

I carved in a black stone.

This stone nudged my toe

as I walked

along the beach,

alone, and imagined love.

What mysteries are pressed

into the dark angles

of my light giving stone,

the Moon, as she grows.       

Sarah Fuhro 2024

The Hermit card from the Smith-Waite Tarot deck

Sarah Fuhro is an astrologer and tarot reader/teacher. In her consultations with astrology and tarot clients she uses the gifts of the natural world in the form of flower essences which she has gathered. Each new and full Moon she calls upon the patterns of the planets and luminaries to share their wisdom with friends and compatriots. She is a Druid member of the Order of Bards, Ovates and Druids. You can learn about classes or make an appointment for an astrology and/or Tarot reading at sarahfuhro@gmail.com or find her on Facebook at Sarah Fuhro.

Bruce Lhuillier is a French artist who currently lives between the Catskills Mountain of New York and French Britany. His love for nature fuels his adventurous personality and pursuit of sacred forest and historic relics. He loves exploring symbols in nature and spirituality that connect us all to one other.

You can still order the 2024 Lunar Calendar, a unique Calendar to help you find your way through each Lunar cycle, find the Moon’s sign, the Void of Course period for each sign, and it will give you the time of the Moon rise and set. Plant your garden according to the Moon’s sign! Each page is dedicated to the Tree designated by Robert Graves to that cycle. You will find art and poetry inspired by the season and nature of that Moon. Don’t go further in life without it! Send it to a luna friend….www.thelunapress.com

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