
Archive for the ‘Ngetal-Reed’ Category

Halibut point

photo: Robert Fuhro

Here’s a new Moon with energy more like a full Moon!   That’s because the planet Uranus stands exactly opposite Sun and Moon.  Uranus is  perfectly positioned to demand we ‘discard the past’, while Sun and Moon revel in ‘stability.’  If you recently moved from one home to another, or cleaned out a closet, or discovered a long forgotten treasure, you know: value shifts from moment to moment.

Hemlock Heart

photo: Sarah Fuhro

Sun and Moon nuzzle in Scorpio, a place of dark memories, and deep caves.  Venus and Mars are there as well. All of them are deeply aware of what Scorpio planets represent,  the turn inward, the mystery which cannot be spoken, what has has been built up over many years of stone and water.   The Sabian Symbol for the degree of Sun and Moon: ‘A massive rocky shore resists the pounding of the sea,’ explains our desire to hold on to stability.  Uranus sits directly across from that carefully carved stability, and says,’ What next?’

Weeping in the cemetary .jpg

photo: Bruce Lhuillier

The degree of Uranus opposite the happy couple who seek a secure future, is at the degree with this Sabian Symbol: ‘A widow at an open grave.’ With the demand to ‘discard the past,’ to begin anew at a higher level of intention, Uranus suggests let’s all be ‘more inclusive and universal, less egocentric.’  Sun and Moon are in the sign of Scorpio, associated with death, and release, yet their symbol of rocky resistance to the sea, seems more like the secure, earthy sign of Taurus where Uranus is located and watches them.

New Moon in Scorpiom 2019

Opposite demands pound on our door, just when we need to rest.  It must be something to do with the season!  If you calculate dates by the lunar cycle, and look at the Ogham (tree) calendar, you will see this is the entry to the month of Ngetal, the Reed.  It’s time to sink deep roots, but bend with the wind.  Plants in the garden seem to be doing just that, roots growing down, but dying on top.

cat tails at Wellesley
photo Sarah Fuhro

Take a moment to feel these opposing energies inside you.   On the one hand, you may feel especially appreciative of what is solid and secure in your life, even as you are aware of changes bubbling beneath the surface.     It may be this is particularly prescient for the environmental movement.  The comfort of the world built on plastic and fossil fuels, is coming unraveled.   The rocky shore is not going to be battered down by the waves, but will be covered over by an ocean filled with melted glaciers.  The widow at the grave will have so many species to mourn, she won’t be able to ask: ‘What next.’


photo: Bruce Lhuillier

But there may also be hope as the consequences of our way of life, becomes impossible to ignore.  Saturn works his way towards Pluto, and on this day of new beginnings, Mars is in a perfect square to Saturn.  If this were the script of a play instead of an astrology chart, we would see that pressure (Saturn) is fueled by karmic action (Mars in Libra) and will soon collide with the Lord of the Underworld himself..Pluto.  The Earth is not without resources.  The sign of Capricorn where Saturn and Pluto will meet is about organization.  There is a world wide tension between the desire to tear down or strengthen political and financial structures.

cave entry stonehenge bl

photo: Bruce Lhuillier

Here is a poem by friend: Aaron Greene, which describes what new Moon energy in late October feels like.


Autumn’s unfold–

Leaves turn to gold

The night wind blows cold

As darkness takes hold


Icy lace shrouds every blade

Of grass and leaf on every tree

Morning mist fills every glade

And sunset fire burns mournfully


Earth and moon hold fast in love

Through every turn of tides and years

As “him below” and “her above”

Entwined are in passion and tears.

Aaron Greene

* Sabian Symbols were recorded by Marc Edmund Jones, astrologer and Laura Wheeler, a psychic in 1925.  Laura Wheeler envisioned an image for each of the 360 degrees of the zodiac.   Later they were written up by the astrologer, musician, Dane Rudhyar, in his book The Astrology of Personality.

Sarah Fuhro      The Wisdom Tradition evolved over the centuries to address our deepest human needs. Sarah Fuhro is a practitioner of its many forms; including Astrology, Tarot, Flower Essences and Druidry. For an appointment call 508 740 7039 or email her at sarahfuhro@gmail.com.  In addition to personal consultations, Sarah teaches workshops and private classes, offering both clients and students knowledge powerfully rooted in the past, presented in the language of the present. 

Bruce Lhuillier      Is a French artist and photographer currently living in the Greater Boston area.   His ability to capture spirit in his photos and paintings is both unique and  visionary.  You can find his work on Etsy at https://www.etsy.com/shop/Barknstone.   


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Moon Mad

The Moon loves to inhabit Taurus! She is at her highest form of visible manifestation during the year, as she reflects the Sun in Scorpio. Taurus is a sign of value, and this Moon reminds us of our self worth and the knowledge that we too are here to shine in some way. Taurus is the playground of Venus, the planet of love, and wealth. What is value? What is the source of your wealth? What we value is the key to our happiness.

moonlight circle

When we turn to the earth and sky for celebration, we dance to the rhythm of Taurus for this constellation celebrates the earth element, and the goddess who animates all earthy life. This is the perfect moment to fully appreciate our bodies, home to our spirits, and to sing songs to our home the earth. Dance under the light of this full Moon. Wherever you are, as she rises at sundown on Thursday night, and even in rain or snow, your body, sacred to her, will provide a pounding heart of gratitude if you listen to her song.


This is the Moon of Ngetal, the Reed.   Reed provides homes for many, and music. There is the music of the wind in the reeds and the music that reeds provide as instruments. Reed grows in places where water and earth meet, just as the full Moon in Taurus is a meeting between the earth sign Taurus and the water sign, Scorpio.  Ngetal Moon is about direction, and finding the way to our goal. The Reed bows where other may break, but is always a source of new life and action.


The Pleiades are also in Taurus. They mark the garlands on the Bull, and their appearance at sundown marks the season when we honor the Ancestors. For Druids, the rising and setting of the Seven Sisters is a reminder of two important holidays, Beltane and Samhain. Beltane is the celebration when this star cluster sets at sundown. It is the time of fertility and new growth. The Sun dwells in Taurus and smiles upon the earth as we celebrate Mother’s Day, and our mother planet. At Samhain as they rise with Taurus at sundown, we know it is the time of release, and the return to the earth, the mother, the celebration of death. The gates between the daylight world and the Otherworld are open to allow us to come and pass freely between life and death.


Like all full Moons we have this opportunity to integrate and weave opposite seasons and signs with very different impulses. This is what Moon has worked on during the last two weeks since she was embedded with the Sun in Scorpio. We learned about the deep exploration of Scorpio. I recently heard an interview with a therapist (Dr. Bessel Van der Kolk) who has developed a practice and a center devoted to trauma.   The necessity to look at our wounds would be the Scorpio part of the healing process, but he has become more and more convinced that the body must be brought into the work he does.   Trauma is embedded in the body, and that is where Taurus comes into the picture. Even as we attempt to ‘understand’ our sorrows, we must also learn to trust and reassure our body, and give it room for expression.

reed dance in moonlight

Looking at the chart for this particular full Moon in Taurus, we discover Saturn, Venus and the asteroid Pallas Athena are close to the Scorpio Sun. This suggests that work, love, and wisdom function best when we clear away old treasures. The Taurus Moon may resist this work of ruthless transformation. Yet Taurus is the cauldron where the alchemical process of Scorpio takes place. A meeting between Mars and Pluto, which becomes exact on November 10th has the potential for powerful energy release whether in destruction and/or construction of social and financial forms. Mars will then make a square to Uranus on November 12th. The impetus for truth telling with this combination is strong. Fortunately the power of healing represented by Chiron is in this mix (a sextile to the Moon and a trine to the Sun).

Full Moon in Taurus 2014

As always, I wish you a joyous celebration of this Moon in her full expression,     Sarah

And don’t forget the 2015 Lunar Calendar available at: https://www.thelunapress.com/ !!


Sarah Fuhro    sarahbeagl@aol.com

Keeping our Ancient Wisdom Alive

The Wisdom Tradition evolved over the centuries to address our deepest human needs. Sarah Fuhro is a practitioner of its many forms; including Astrology, Tarot, Flower Essences and Druidry. In addition to personal consultations, Sarah teaches workshops and private classes, offering both clients and students knowledge powerfully rooted in the past, presented in the language of the present.  To learn more, please visit www.sarahfuhro.com.

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