
Archive for December, 2017

Each year the full Moon in Cancer marks the anniversary of my mother’s death. As I flew into San Francisco to say good-bye to her, the full Moon was rising at my back. As I kept watch with her through the night, the Moon watched with me.

spaghetti tree knots BL                                        photo: Bruce Lhuillier

My mother and I share a natal Moon in Cancer. This is the sign of mothers, and children, home, ancient tides and rituals, full-throated emotions, blood and tears and sweat, the saltiness of the oceans. Cancer is the sea, the place from where we emerged, our mother’s womb. Cancer Moon loves to cook and share food, so it’s a perfect full Moon for New Year’s Day. As the Sun sets on January 1, 2018, look to the East and raise a cup to toast the full Moon in Cancer.

Sol invictus talking tree BL                                        photo: Bruce Lhuillier

The Moon ‘rules’ the sign of Cancer. She visits this sign each month, but only in the darkest days of winter does she enter her fullness and shine most brightly in her home sign! This year, the full Moon’s Sabian symbol is a reflection of the connection to motherhood, which the sign of Cancer represents: ‘A Chinese woman nursing a baby whose aura reveals him to be the reincarnation of a great teacher.’ Our children are our teachers. Each child born comes with a lesson plan. While we were in the womb, an eclipse marked us with purpose. One way to access what each of us came here to share is to look to the sign of the zodiac and placement of your pre-natal solar eclipse. Each prenatal eclipse sign gives us a clue to that impulse. You can find your pre natal solar eclipse at https://cafeastrology.com/eclipsessolarlunar.html

Aries teaches courage

Taurus teaches good values

Gemini teaches communication

Cancer teaches emotional expression

Leo teaches accepting love

Virgo teaches clarity

Libra teaches balance

Scorpio teaches responsibility

Sagittarius teaches higher consciousness

Capricorn teaches reputation

Aquarius teaches detachment

Pisces teaches sensitivity

Full Moon in Cancer 2018

Neptune has a special relationship to this full Moon. His degree is the same as the Sun and Moon. His Sabian Symbol gives us a clue as to what he might contribute at this moment.    ‘In the sanctuary of an occult brotherhood, newly initiated members are being examined and their character tested.’   Neptune’s exact connection to the Sun and Moon urges spiritual responsibility for the groups we belong to. He is the boat which floats upon the Cancerian seas, the transport to deeper waters.

ruined ship on beach BL                                      photo: Bruce Lhuillier\

Mars is the third arm of the water wheel. He pushes the Sun and Moon boats out into the long deep drink of inspiration, Awen.   Awen is to say: everything, the wheel of the year and the Sun’s journey. Everything we do, say, think can be done with deep creative intent.   The inspiration behind each moment can be felt this day and this year of 2018.   Here is the symbol of Awen carved upon a piece of river borne wood, perhaps Sycamore. Like the Water trine in the chart it has three branches. It grew upon the earth, was dispersed upon water, transformed by fire, and transported  through airy distance to arrive at my house as a gift for the winter solstice!  May you feel the blessing of this powerful full Moon at the New Year each day.

Awen                                                                artwork by Dana Driscoll
Sarah Fuhro     sarahfuhro@gmail.com.
Keeping our Ancient Wisdom Alive
The Wisdom Tradition evolved over the centuries to address our deepest human needs. Sarah Fuhro is a practitioner of its many forms; including Astrology, Tarot, Flower Essences and Druidry. In addition to personal consultations, Sarah teaches workshops and private classes, offering both clients and students knowledge powerfully rooted in the past, presented in the language of the present.  To learn more, please visit www.sarahfuhro.com


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The sky is filled with Sagittarian energy!   Mercury, Venus, Moon, Sun and Saturn are all there at a party for the Solstice.   Sagittarius is fiery and full of joyful vigor, or righteous anger or spiritual bliss.   The Moon, hides at her farthest point from the Earth, invisible to us as she cozies up to the Sun.

sagittarian new moon for 2017Feel the energy of Uranus, the electric and erratic revolutionary in his elemental connection to the Sun and Moon!  Surprise!

Guy with conical hat BL                       photo: Bruce Lhuillier

And what wound might heal, or open up, as Chiron challenges all that Sagittarius party energy from the place of compassionate Pisces?

The Sabian Symbol for this degree where Sun and Moon have met is:’A Sculptor at His Work. The ability to project one’s vision upon and to give form to materials.      Self Projection into a Work.’

sculptured rock with leaves                photo: Robert Fuhro

On a trip this fall to the desert and cañon lands of the West, sculpture of the land was visible everywhere. Home in New England, what is visible is the daily change of light on ice and snow formations.

water sculpture           photo: Sarah Fuhro

 I wish you the joy of this Sagittarian gathering. The next full Moon will be January 1. Meanwhile, Saturn, the cosmic sculptor will move into his sign of greatest power, Capricorn. Over the next two weeks it will be possible to sculpt the entry to the New Year, 2018.   How will we each touch our environment to express our inner gifts?

better ice colums         photo: Robert Fuhro
Sarah Fuhro   sarahfuhro@gmail.com
Keeping our Ancient Wisdom Alive
The Wisdom Tradition evolved over the centuries to address our deepest human needs. Sarah Fuhro is a practitioner of its many forms; including Astrology, Tarot, Flower Essences and Druidry. In addition to personal consultations, Sarah teaches workshops and private classes, offering both clients and students knowledge powerfully rooted in the past, presented in the language of the present.  To learn more, please visit www.sarahfuhro.com.









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Nesting two eggs in nest. BLjpg

                                                        photo: Bruce Lhuillier

Strange, isn’t it? This full Moon feels more like a beginning than a culmination.  What is about to hatch?

 There is a strong illusory element in this moment as Neptune, the dreamer, located in watery Pisces, makes a perfect square with Sun and Moon. The missing fourth member of this design is in Virgo, and is called a degree of ‘unveiling.’ The past few weeks have been caught up in revelations of male dominance used to humiliate and diminish women. At the full Moon on Sunday, we might use these revelations to ‘unveil’ the ancient mystery of male and female powers.

II of Cups                                      Pamela Colman Smith/Two of Cups, Rider-Waite Deck

Sun, Moon and Neptune are all at the same degree in three different signs. Jupiter also at the same degree, in another water sign, Scorpio connects to Neptune. The degree held by all these players is 11. Numerologists consider 11, a ‘Master’ number, a number which can be taken in many directions. 11 has a connection to the healer, the psychic and the creative artist. Those two 1’s look like the astrological symbol for Gemini, II, the sign of this full Moon.   And the symbol for Gemini could also be read as the Roman numeral for two, II.


                       Niobid Painter – Jastrow (2008), https://commons.wikimedia.org/

The constellation Gemini represents the twins Castor and Pollux,  hatched from the egg of Leda, their mother, who tried to escape the sexual advances of Zeus. He disguised himself as a swan and overcame her. In some versions of the story, Castor was mortal, Pollux immortal. In this way they represent all of us, all of creation, for we are both mortal and immortal. In the picture above we see Castor in his egg shell hat. It’s perfect that he’s standing next to a horse looking almost like a centaur! The Sun is in the sign of Sagittarius, the centaur. The sign opposite is Gemini. On this Greek krater they are combined in one image.

Leda and the Swan   W.B. Yeats

A sudden blow: the great wings beating still

Above the staggering girl, her thighs caressed

By the dark webs, her nape caught in his bill,

He holds her helpless breast upon his breast.

How can those terrified vague fingers push

The feathered glory from her loosening thighs?

And how can body, laid in that white rush,

But feel the strange heart beating where it lies?

A shudder in the loins engenders there

The broken wall, the burning roof and tower

And Agamemnon dead.

Being so caught up,

So mastered by the brute blood of the air,

Did she put on his knowledge with his power

Before the indifferent beak could let her drop?


leda-and-the-swan-michelangelo                         https://upload.wikimedia.org/

Yeats’ poem tells us what it’s like to be impregnated by a divine force. Michelangelo presents a more erotic version. From this came two eggs. One was the egg of Castor and Pollux and the other contained Helen and Clytemnestra. The whole drama of the Trojan War hatched from Leda’s egg.  Swans are sacred to Venus, and Venus in this chart is in Sagittarius with the Sun.

To up the energetic charge of this full Moon, Mercury, ruler of Gemini goes retrograde the same day. Mercury is in the last degree of Sagittarius, the Sun’s sign. Interesting that he stations direct on the fixed star, Etamin, the ‘Right Eye of the Dragon’, and turns direct (December 22) on the ‘Left Eye of the Dragon’ (Restabin), both in the Constellation Draco. So we begin a journey back in time, revisiting both eyes of the great dragon. Dragons guard treasures. Since Mercury’s reverse journey takes place in Sagittarius, I imagine he is a Fire Dragon, like the one in the picture below from the swamplands of New Orleans.

NOLA the dragon tree BL                                               photo: Bruce Lhuillier


‘With vast convolutions Draco holds

The’ ecliptic axis in his scaly folds.

O’er half the skies his neck enormous rears,

and with immense meanders parts the Bears.’

Erasmus Darwin, The Botanic Garden, The Echo Library, 2007,

Around five o’clock last night,  I looked up and saw the almost full Moon. She looked down upon me and delicately pulled back her veil.   The Moon is whole and accepts her wholeness no matter what her lunar phase. When we follow her through the seasons, we understand our own wholeness.  This full Moon sings of mastery, of deep integration, possible amidst the dragon’s swirling scales.  All of us will experience the powerful forces at work during this full Moon.  Everyday we are given gifts by the cosmos. Like spoiled children we can cast away our treasures, or embrace the depths of what is offered!

Sarah Fuhro   sarahfuhro@gmail.com
Keeping our Ancient Wisdom Alive
The Wisdom Tradition evolved over the centuries to address our deepest human needs. Sarah Fuhro is a practitioner of its many forms; including Astrology, Tarot, Flower Essences and Druidry. In addition to personal consultations, Sarah teaches workshops and private classes, offering both clients and students knowledge powerfully rooted in the past, presented in the language of the present.  To learn more, please visit www.sarahfuhro.com.


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