
Archive for June, 2017

A few days before the new Moon, we see her rise as a wisp in the light of dawn.   Hard to catch her on a morning so close to the Summer Solstice when light begins early and stays late. Yet this is the new Moon in Cancer, the sign most associated with Moon, and the qualities of Moon: flux, cycles, emotions, the sea, security, family. Friday, the day of the new Moon, she rises in Massachusetts just before 5:00 am and is entirely lost in the brightness of her partner the Sun.   There is a way in which the new Moon in Cancer is a secondary Solstice.   It’s all about merging with a light much brighter than her own.   Yet she is luminary quite as important in astrology as the Sun.

bas relief king musician and stars BL                        photo: Bruce Lhuillier

The Sun has reached his highest point at the Solstice. We are filled with light and heat. Animals and plants celebrate.

Sunset on Provincetown dunes                photo: Sarah Fuhro

Mercury is lost in this light, so he must speak in Moon language.   Perhaps he is the young prince in the Tarot card which represents Cancer. The Chariot is a good metaphor for the Moon who represents  constant movement and the passage of time.

The Chariot.jpg

The Sabian Symbol for the degree shared by Sun and Moon is a strange one for the gateway  of Sumer! Maybe it marks the Solstice moment with a reminder that we now enter six months of fading light. ‘ A man bundled in fur leads a shaggy deer. The need to overcome stagnation and cold during a test of endurance.’

While the season is lighthearted, the mood of this new Moon cycle is quite serious. Venus arrives in a degree of Taurus, which says the ‘test of endurance’ has been passed. She is ‘A new continent rising out of the ocean, A surge of new potential after the crisis. Spontaneity.’

Sea and Stickphoto: Robert Fuhro

Birth never comes out of nowhere. There is always a season of gestation. Will I be able to see and embrace what wants to be born in my life? Will you?

Eastern comma           photo: Robert Fuhro 

At the moment of the Solstice, the Moon occupies the same degree of Taurus where Venus stands to greet Sun and Moon. The power of the feminine reverberates throughout this chart, and Venus holds the reins.  But the feminine is always more difficult to see and comprehend. Her light is the Moon, not the bright Sun.

Burney relief.jpg

                                           Queen of the Night1800 and 1750 BCE Mesopotamia

Venus  is in a relationship with the lord of the Underworld, Pluto. She is the recipient of the rage and glee of Black Moon Lilith, she points to Jupiter in his sign of marriage and karma. She shakes the isolation of Vesta, queen of the hearth, and dances with Mars. She is indeed the new land arising from the water of mystery. She takes form in  those who have the power to see her.

faerie hands BL
                                                photo: Bruce Lhuillier

Neptune who rules the seas relates to Venus as well; the mystery of the boundless love, which holds all of creation. There is a song of gratitude held in this chart, the beginning of an awakened relationship between the distracted human mind and the unbending focus of the planet.

Assateague sun rise:set?              photo: Robert Fuhro

Summer Solstice 2107


New Moon in Cancer 2017Sarah Fuhro

Keeping our Ancient Wisdom Alive
The Wisdom Tradition evolved over the centuries to address our deepest human needs. Sarah Fuhro is a practitioner of its many forms; including Astrology, Tarot, Flower Essences and Druidry. In addition to personal consultations, Sarah teaches workshops and private classes, offering both clients and students knowledge powerfully rooted in the past, presented in the language of the present.  To learn more, please visit www.sarahfuhro.com.

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dried earth        photo: Bruce Lhuillier

An Alchemical Full Moon in Sagittarius

 Here  is a story I heard yesterday. It was used by Jung to explain the synchronicity of our inner and outer being.

There was a great drought in the Chinese village where Jung’s friend lived.  For months there had not been a drop of rain and the situation became catastrophic.

Finally the local people said, ‘We will fetch the rain-maker.’ And from another province an old man appeared. The only thing he asked for was a quiet little house somewhere, and there he locked himself in for three days.   On the fourth day the clouds gathered and there was a great rain-storm, an unusual amount, and the town was so full of rumours about the wonderful rain-maker that Wilhelm went to ask the man how he did it. ‘They call you the rain-maker; will you tell me how you made the rain?’

‘I did not make the rain; I am not responsible.’

‘But what have you done these three days?’

‘Oh, I can explain that. I come from another country where things are in order. Here they are out of order; they are not as they should be by the ordinance of heaven. Therefore the whole country is not in Tao, and I also am not in the natural order of things because I am in a disordered country.

So I had to wait three days until I was back in Tao and then naturally the rain came.’”


Blindfolded statue                          photo: Bruce Lhuillier

My soul, my planet.

The symbols for the degrees of this full Moon are earth shaking.   Is there indeed a planetary human mind, a human heart to listen?   Hear what was said of this moment when these images were divined (1920). The Moon, which will be full on Friday, carries this warning, a weary reality:

‘Pelicans menaced by the behavior and refuse of men seek safer areas for bringing up their young. The need for people concerned with the future to discover a new way of living and more wholesome surroundings.’ Pelicans symbolize the love of one generation for the next because in legend, they give of their own flesh and blood to feed their young. Human behavior has caused the extinction of innumerable species since these words were written, but now our own survival is on the line.

Brown pelicanphoto: Robert Fuhro

But everyone who reads this knows we are in a cataclysmic situation. What can be the balance to the horror we have created on our beautiful earth? How can we find our way out? The degree for the Sun in Gemini offers us a way beyond despair if we are willing to go deeper into consciousness. ‘A large Archaic volume. Contacting the all human planetary Mind underlying any cultural and personal mentality. Seed knowledge.’ If only there is some way in which we can access these ancient books of papyrus at the right moment!   How may be found through other clues in the chart for this full Moon. Each horoscope is a text for living in that moment of time. In this volume, perhaps it says: when we are in balance, the earth will be in balance as well!!

Grimoire halo BLphoto: Bruce Lhuillier

.Earth Mother, Demeter is at the same degree with the Sun. Is She the Planetary Mind? Does the medicine for a damaged planet lie in our mind’s connection to the earth? We have used our mind for the technology, which has so, ravaged our home, can we use the same mind to find the way to wholeness?  Gemini is about mental constructs, the mind.   The Moon offers the result of our constructs in the form of the animal and human refugees who scatter over the earth trying to find the Mother again.

Caducephoto: Bruce Lhuillier


This chart also offers us a Venus newly arrived in Taurus. This is her happiest location!   She is like a bee amongst the Roses. For this five petaled flower is her special signature. Venus has five stations in her cycle through the sky. Those who live beneath the sky know this and trace her journey as a pentacle, as a rose, as an apple blossom! The Sabian Symbol for her degree: ‘The pot of gold at the end of the rainbow! Riches that come from linking the earthly and the celestial nature.’

Full Moon in Sagittarius 2017

Rose border BLphoto: Bruce Lhuillier

Venus is in a perfect sextile with Mars, the life force of outward motion, just as she is the life force, which draws the world inward. Mars in the sign of Cancer has the Moon in him. He is sensitive, moody and tentative unless he is defending those he loves. Venus in Taurus and Mars in Cancer together create a recipe for feminine forcefulness and male passivity.

St. Denis BL Notre Dame Angel et pople BLphotos: Bruce Lhuiller


In a love affair these roles are always in flux, because there has to be transformational energy at work when two people are brave enough to mix their elements, and this ever changing formula is fired in the furnace of Alchemy.   So it is in the sky with the planets who act out our dramas for us, and reflect it back to us on earth!

Alchimist BL                                                          photo: Bruce Lhuillier
Sarah Fuhro 
Keeping our Ancient Wisdom Alive
The Wisdom Tradition evolved over the centuries to address our deepest human needs. Sarah Fuhro is a practitioner of its many forms; including Astrology, Tarot, Flower Essences and Druidry. In addition to personal consultations, Sarah teaches workshops and private classes, offering both clients and students knowledge powerfully rooted in the past, presented in the language of the present.  To learn more, please visit www.sarahfuhro.com.

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