
Archive for August, 2017

Solar Eclipse Lily Pad

Photo: Robert Fuhro

This Solar Eclipse has turned our heads in America. We will look up and catch sight of Sun and Moon in an intimate moment of visual contact. Our attention will shift away from domestic drama to celestial dance. How wondrous is it, that our Moon, the Earth and Sun are so perfectly sized, so perfectly placed in the cosmos, to create these yearly events in the sky, solar and lunar eclipse! Our Moon casts her shadow on the Sun, and from where we watch, the stars come out in mid-day! We can hope to see Jupiter, Venus and Mars during the darkest period.

mushroom with stick

Photo: Bruce Lhuillier

Each new Moon is about the end, and the beginning. The Moon has made her journey through all the constellations of the zodiac, and caught up with the Sun to start the journey again. This is the second new Moon in Leo, as if to emphasize this sign or perhaps the Sun himself, because Leo is the place the Sun shines most brightly! This second round of new Moon in Leo, Sun is eclipsed, darkened, shut down!   What does it mean for all of us here on this beautiful planet? Can we keep our balance in a way that feels impossible to imagine?

Dark face stone balance

Photo: Sarah Fuhro

The Sabian Symbol for the degree of the eclipse speaks of great potential for transformation:   ‘A Mermaid emerges from the Ocean Waves ready for rebirth in human form. The stage at which an intense feeling-intuition rising from the unconscious is about to take form as a conscious thought.’   It is what we ‘know’ is impossible which begs for existence. Over the past week I have learned to balance rocks in positions, which defy gravity. As I draw away my hand, and the rock stays perched, I understand how I limit my thoughts, how I neglect the impossible.    ‘Yearning for conscious form and solidity’ is the meaning of this eclipse.  It will require our deep meditative attention to visualize what does not exist.

Thoth three of disks

Thoth Deck: Three of Disks

If you have noticed a lot of explosive energy over the last few weeks, it might be the planetary  triangle in the Fire element as it rolls through the skies. Sun and Moon are in trine to Uranus in fiery Aries. Uranus is an electrical charge all by himself. His Sabian Symbol in the eclipse drama is ‘The Music of the Spheres!’ Can you hear it? Will it embed itself in you on Monday as you open yourself to the cosmic energy of the new Moon? Saturn is the third point in the triangle, and he is in perfect alliance with Dark Moon Lilith, the angry first wife of Adam, undomesticated female energy.

harp and dancer samhain

Photo: Bruce Lhuillier

Pholus shares the third point in this fiery triangle. He is a centaur connected to the ancestral realms and generational healing. This seems particularly poignant as our nation begins to look at the unrelenting, unchecked violent racism, which exists in the United States. Not just during four hundred years of bitter slavery, but in the terrorism, which continues to the present moment for people of color. The Sabian Symbol for the location of Pholus is another image of artistic vision and form: ‘A sculptor at his work.’ But what are we sculpting?

spider web sculpture

Photo: Sarah Fuhro

This solar eclipse takes place one degree from the Ascendant of the President of the United States….and two degrees from my Ascendant! The Ascendant is the most sensitive point in a chart. It is the gate we enter when we take on a physical form at birth.   It will take place someplace in your chart as well, and bring attention to any planet it touches. The location in a particular zone of your chart, even it there are no planets nearby will give special emphasis to this area of your life over the next several months.   The effects of an eclipse take several months to materialize. It may be when Saturn reaches the eclipse degree (28° Sagittarius) this December! That will ‘perfect’ the Fire triangle created during Monday’s eclipse.

elder berry constellations

Photo: Sarah Fuhro

The stars and planets are reflected here on earth.  This branch of Elderberry looks like  a constellation.  Our ancestors lived under the stars and were constantly aware of them.  We are awed when we occasionally get a glimpse of a star filled sky if we can get away from night light.  This eclipse, which will be visible across the United States could be an opportunity to see the whole picture instead of a fragment.  We share the sky with everyone, with plants and animals and the stones and earth around us.  Let’s drink  in this eclipse not just as a marvel but as a message.   Will the wonder of the eclipse remain within us, as we attempt to materialize the impossible?

New Moon in Leo Eclipse 2017 

Sarah Fuhro  sarahfuhro@gmail.com   Keeping our Ancient Wisdom Alive
The Wisdom Tradition evolved over the centuries to address our deepest human needs. Sarah Fuhro is a practitioner of its many forms; including Astrology, Tarot, Flower Essences and Druidry. In addition to personal consultations, Sarah teaches workshops and private classes, offering both clients and students knowledge powerfully rooted in the past, presented in the language of the present.  To learn more, please visit www.sarahfuhro.com.



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A partial lunar eclipse on August 7th won’t be visible in the United States, yet it carries the energy of Sun and Mars in Leo. This explodes the power of the element of Fire and the Life Force. The combination, which has been in effect for the last few weeks, brings a huge surge of energy.   But like all energy, it requires consciousness, a channel for the drive towards action, which it triggers.

Gold in brook SFphoto: Sarah Fuhro

Give this eclipse a moment of your time and awareness. It takes place at 2:11 pm EDT on Monday, August 7, daylight hours here in North America. But the view of the full Moon has already begun to light up the night sky. As with each full Moon, the Lunar Lady comes out of the bright orb of the Sun and shines in her own light. This can represent for us, the lunar aspect of ourselves: the side, which knows without words, the intuitive, visionary and dreamtime portion of our soul.

Visage.jpg BLphoto: Bruce Lhuillier

‘The storm over, all Nature rejoices in brilliant sunshine. The surge of life and love after a major crisis. The joy and power of new beginnings.’

 This is the verbal image of the Sun’s degree, the  Sabian Symbol for his position at the time of the eclipse. If times have been difficult over the last year, this is a moment of reconfiguration.   The Sun in Leo offers you a new outlook, or even a breakthrough on the material plane at this Lunar eclipse.

sunset profiles
photo: Sarah Fuhro

Leo, the Sun’s sign is the joy and expression of the self.   Aquarius, the Moon’s sign is about community, about visions of the future.   Here is the tension for this combination….how does the individual thrive amidst the needs and expectations of the larger group?   How do we find balance between responsibility towards organization and responsibility to hear and follow free flowing inspiration? Long ago, at this time of year, I had a dream in which I was carrying water in a pail hooked on a yoke across my shoulders. But the yoke was impossible to carry this way, because it needed another pail for balance.   When I went back and filled a second pail with water, I could now carry it up the hill. I took the dream to be about Aquarius, the Water Bearer. Aquarius full Moon needs the joyous balance of Leo, the Sun.

aquarius full Moon 2017

This Lunar eclipse chart reflects a very old story in the rivalry between Jupiter (Zeus) and Pluto (Hades). The two planets make an exact 90° angle to one another called a ‘square.’ Jupiter rules Mt. Olympus. He is the king of the gods, the ruler above ground, but his brother, Pluto, governs the Underworld. Hades is full of resentment. Zeus is oblivious. Zeus had a gorgeous wife and innumerable sexual conquests.   Hades ruled alone, until the entry of Persephone in his subterranean kingdom. His jaws open wide for mortal flesh.

Blossom head scary face

photo: Bruce Lhuillier

Jupiter had to deal with the limitations imposed by Pluto. Mortality and immortality play back and forth between these two mighty brothers.   Life on earth cannot continue without Death. But neither life nor death is satisfied with this arrangement.   Somehow this moment in time is a reminder of that conflict and all the power it holds over us. This is the season of Lughnasadh or Lammas, of harvest, which means death for the grain, but life for animals and humans. It’s a strange time of year. Sun and heat throb around us, yet the diminishing daylight and the harvest are reminders of approaching fall and winter.

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photo: Bruce Lhuillier

And then there is Neptune who rules another kingdom, that of the Sea.   With Pluto he creates a Yod in this chart, a powerful finger pointing at the Sun. ‘Take it seriously, Leo,’ Pluto and Neptune say. ‘You are the playful, fun-loving sign of the zodiac, but we have deep secrets and deep treasures, only accessed by those who stop to listen.  Only the compassionate ones who hold life tenderly in their hands make it through this perilous time.

figure with bird

photo: Bruce Lhuillier

Take a moment to hear and feel the full Moon in this season of eclipse. The August insects sing praises to our Lady Luna as she rises in the sky during the next few nights. Feel her reflection in your throat.

Sarah Fuhro      sarahfuhro@gmail.com    Keeping our Ancient Wisdom Alive
The Wisdom Tradition evolved over the centuries to address our deepest human needs. Sarah Fuhro is a practitioner of its many forms; including Astrology, Tarot, Flower Essences and Druidry. In addition to personal consultations, Sarah teaches workshops and private classes, offering both clients and students knowledge powerfully rooted in the past, presented in the language of the present.  To learn more, please visit www.sarahfuhro.com.


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