
Archive for March, 2018

Northern cardinal -                          photo: Robert Fuhro

‘Me ‘n’ You, Me ‘n’ You, Me ‘n You,’ I hear Cardinals call as the full Moon in Libra shines on spring hopes!   This full Moon is always about the self and the other. The ‘self’ is the Sun in Aries. He’s surrounded by the healing presence of Chiron, the physician, and the communicator, Mercury. But the ‘other,’ the Moon in Libra floats alone on the opposite side of the chart, rising as the Sun sets.

Flute player MFA BL                                            photo: Bruce Lhuillier

Aries is the joy of existence, of new beginning, of sexual exuberance, and the spring energy that pours through every fiber of our body.

Tender gift bringer BL                                                  photo: Bruce Lhuillier

Libra is the balance, the knowledge of payment due, of concern for others, which tempers Aries at the full Moon.

swirling wood BL                                            photo: Bruce Lhuillier

Aries demands we know who we are. Libra insists there are others as well. The Capricorn Mars and Capricorn Saturn say we can build something long lasting from the tension between these two powerful impulses.

full Moon in Libra 2018


This is the full Moon, which sets the date for Easter and Passover. As I walk through the spring woods and meadows, I feel the tremendous surge of creativity and imagination, which comes from the energy of this moment.

Birch trees and meadow                                             photo: Sarah Fuhro

Venus, the Lady of Love and all green things has just entered the sign of Taurus where she rules with delicious abandon.   It is she who leaves a green footprint on the land wherever she walks.

Pomme star BLUE. BL                           photo: Bruce Lhuillier

Apple Star        Sarah Fuhro

Somewhere in the apple

we call the human heart,

in the soft place,

next to the crisp place,

is a tiny star,

a star, which is the start,

of a long and ancient love story.


This is the love of magic

of Green Lady Venus,

and her pentacle step,

which touches

upon the spring soil,

which opens to the sky

above her mantle.

What will come from this joyous combination of Aries and Libra in your life?  The Creativity of the moment awaits your imagination!   Fiery energy and patient balance is the theme as you manifest your spring growth.
Sarah Fuhro is a consulting astrologer and teacher.




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finger to the Moon BL

The Moon loves the Earth

even though,

we have covered her

with shopping malls,

and oil rigs,

and misery.


She looks down

from the evening sky,

perfect in new crescent,

sees me, as I drive

to Home Depot for junk,

and she says:

‘I love the Earth

and some night

you might.


Some night you

will embrace her,

as I embrace her tonight,

and leave the road,

and the oil,

and the blood behind.’


poem: Sarah Fuhro

photo: Bruce Lhuillier


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Tender Moment

cruciifed duck BL

Tender moment,

between moments,

when old secrets come loose,

and fly around the room,

old secrets, like a bird,

who breaks into your house,

doesn’t know how to escape,

can’t hide, can’t flee.


A small bird, terrified,

and visible, with whirring wings,

a bird who has the shakes,

and doesn’t know who is friend,

and who is Death himself.

Caught with tiny talons

in the curtains,

so close to the open window,

then suddenly sky  loose,

spring adventure.

Poem: Sarah Fuhro
Photo: Bruce Lhuillier


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Owl Heart


Barred Owl

At night my heart beats

in the small cave of my breast.


In day, the heart takes off

and might become an owl.


My heart might be the owl

I saw fly from tree to tree.


It might become your heart,

and beat in your dark cave.


Or the owl, might find

a better place to land.


A lake with a tree,

where the forest does not end.


poem: Sarah Fuhro                photo: Robert Fuhro

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As Always

The tree by the path

As always,

I turn into the woods,

step into the meadow,

where, as always,

there is the hum,

of activity, of song.


Movement catches

my eye, flight,

turns my head.

They are there,

as always,

my guides, my compass.


Walk deeper,

a branch slaps my eye,

as always,

I am stunned.

Tears tell me,

I trespass.

Poem: Sarah Fuhro
photo: Bruce Lhuillier

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interior of stone chamber BL                                        photo: Bruce Lhuillier

With this new Moon in Pisces we experience the end (Pisces) and the beginning (Aries). The door closes on one cycle, opens to another.   Water and fire are everywhere. Like all astrology charts, this new Moon pattern lays out a cosmic message, a sentence made of planets, and the space between them, which can sooth us or spur us on.

Save as new Moon in Pisces 2018

We live on a planet of dark and light, night and day. As magicians we are taught to embrace polarity and then release it. Each sign of the Zodiac lies next to one of deep contrast.   This way we are constantly shown one side of things, and then the other. To be able to dance with both feet to this drumbeat is a reason to study astrology!   And the best teacher of astrology, of cycles and polarity is the Moon.

Moon Face                         photo: Bruce Lhuillier Peabody Essex Museum

Born with the Moon in Cancer, the Lady’s home sign, I measure everything with her divining rod. I travel in her boat.

Journey by Water                       Sarah Fuhro

At night I ride my coracle,

to the dark shore, silver Moon

of the tree filled island,

where I will meet my dreams.


The last notes of twilight

play out, as I approach,

push myself forward,

in my round leather boat,

into the slender reeds,

the dark water washed shore.


I put aside the slender pole

no further use for rudder, for oar.


First I lower my human foot

into the cold wet,

sharp fanged swamp,


in a moment,

pause to recollect:

I carry with me, fish shoes,

silver scaled, soft as silk.


With these I know myself,

amphibious, and supple!


Both feet touch bottom,

and I push my coracle to shore.

And you, who are also the Moon’s child, and the child of this dark and light planet, where will you be at this new Moon moment?   Will you feel that shift from the dark Moon to the seed of new light?

The last few degrees of Pisces are momentous in occult tradition. Take this opportunity to truly feel: ‘in the end is the beginning and in the beginning is the end.’ We can be shaken by the sense of walking a swaying bridge over a deep gorge, or a bridge between two seasons, one wet, one fiery.

Bridge in winter        photo: Robert Fuhro  Erving, Massachusetts

I think the Bridge in this chart is Chiron. He is at 28° degrees of Pisces and has a most beautiful symbol from this degree. ‘Light breaking into many colors as it passes through a prism.’   Chiron is the wound we cannot heal in our chart, but the wound is the way we learn to heal others. In this picture of him he carries a youth, the Life Force, Aries on his back. This is a good illustration of this chart which is a link between Pisces, the end of the of the Zodiacal year, and Aries, the fiery introduction to Spring and new energy.

chiron and youth BL                         photo: Bruce Lhuillier  John Singer Sargent mural in the Boston Public Library

In this image of Chiron there is a hint of Sagittarius, the centaur, for Chiron was a centaur. It’s not surprising that Mars, the embodiment of the Life Force is in Sagittarius square to Chiron, giving a hot spur to this watery moment in time. His degree represents ‘Personalized Worship.’ It is the act of courage when we find our own way to connect to spirit.

Llewellyn Temperance                                             Llewelyn Tarot  Temperance Card

Jupiter, who rules Sagittarius is also a connected to the action in this chart. From Scorpio, he makes a water connection to Moon, Sun, Chiron in Pisces and pressures Uranus and Eris in their location of fire.   As a centaur, Sagittarius is related to Chiron. The connection of man and beast, man as part of the animal kingdom, is beautifully illustrated in this card, with overtones of Pisces and Neptune.  Pisces is the healing water of the Zodiac.

Ravens in the sky                     photo: Robert Fuhro   Ravens in the sky

Give this moment in time your attention. We enter the Celtic Moon of Alder on this day. There is potential for the magic of the Alder to open your eyes to something you might want to manifest. Alder is the wood of wet places, yet strong enough to keep the city of Venice above water! It is the Month of Bran, the Raven, who made himself a bridge, between Ireland and Britain. This Pisces new Moon is the link between Water, and Fire, between the last days of Pisces and the moment of the spring equinox when the Sun moves into the sign of Aries.  Stay between seasons, between signs of the Zodiac, and listen to the prophecies of that magical bird the raven.

Sarah Fuhro     sarahfuhro@gmail.com
Keeping our Ancient Wisdom Alive
The Wisdom Tradition evolved over the centuries to address our deepest human needs. Sarah Fuhro is a practitioner of its many forms; including Astrology, Tarot, Flower Essences and Druidry. In addition to personal consultations, Sarah teaches workshops and private classes, offering both clients and students knowledge powerfully rooted in the past, presented in the language of the present.  To learn more, please visit www.sarahfuhro.com.


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Im bolc and water

My Father

My father,

a man long ago turned to ash

still paces the corridors of my mind,

still walks the floor of my veins.


His invisible presence is reflected

in the eyes of other people,

who knew him not.


Sorry to say, my life is curtailed

by my honor to his memory,

by my belief in his divine powers.


I have built a high fence

through which I cannot pass,

his territory, not my territory.


Yet to live I must travel

in every direction dictated

by my soul’s compass.


I must acknowledge my timid

negotiations with my own fate,

I must breath for myself.


Surely in this spring tide

close to the day of his birth,

I can walk where ever my foot

finds surface in the melting snow.


Sarah Fuhro       April 2, 2017

photo: Sarah Fuhro


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Field of white dandelions BL

Chant for 7 Ghosts


First for the five Oaks–

a Pentacle of trees.

Found inconvenient.


One for North,

South, East and West.

One for Earth,

Fire, Air and Water,


And a fifth for spirit.


Removed by a neighbor,

for the leaves they shed.



Next the great Oak

Who dropped acorns.


Torn of his mighty arms,

and cut down to earth.



And last, sweet lady,

A black-limbed Hawthorn,


Wore a cloud of white each May,

but to no avail,

she was in the way.



Sing for them!

Do they find root

in some other realm?


Do we? With them?


Plant them in your heart,

where their leaves,

acorns, shade, presence

take root and spread!



 Poem: Sarah Fuhro
photo: Bruce Lhuillier

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