
Archive for the ‘Sabian Symbols in Astrology’ Category

A Full Moon in Virgo February 24, 2024 7:30 am EST

 Artist: Christopher Guilfoil Card X (The Wheel of Fortune) from the Inner Child Tarot

The Moon in Virgo watches the rest of the planets in the full Moon chart for February 24. Once again we see a sky with all planets (and Sun) in a tight crescent. It is the Moon who watches this drama from across the heavens. And, as much as the full Moon is always an important moment in the lunar cycle each month, this pattern speaks as witness to a potent message. It is also noteworthy that no planets are in retrograde at this moment and this provides an opportunity to move forward.

The Moon is not only the observer, but also is observed by the Sun, Mercury and Saturnwho lie in opposition to her. What does the Moon’s position as the lone sky body symbolize for this moment? At this moment, when the Sun’s reflection is strongest on the Moon, she is alone, much like a performer in the spotlight on stage. And like a performer, it may be difficult for her to observe the audience she faces. She must go on in the faith and hope that her art, her message will be observed, and understood by those across the footlights from her. Can she be heard? What does the Moon see and what does she want to communicate?

photo: Robert Fuhro

I wonder if the Moon, ensconced in her Earthy sign of practical Virgo, will give voice to the Sun, Neptune, Saturn and Mercury in visionary Pisces. Like most prophets, these bodies might need an interpreter to hear them, and to let the rest of us in on their message. This image of an ice man trying to be heard seemed just right for this February full Moon. Virgo is ruled by the planet, Mercury, the communicator, but can he be heard in Pisces’ watery grasp. Saturn, Neptune and Sun also swim in the waters of Pisces. It is up to the soloist Virgo Moon to tell us what might be helpful to us who watch her from below.

photo: Bruce Lhuillier

Each degree in the astrology chart has a verbal description of a visual image. I like to use these 360 images (Sabian Symbols) to give me insight into charts as I try to analyze their message. They seem especially appropriate at this turn of the cosmic wheel. A psychic, Else Wheeler saw each, and an astrologer, Marc Edmund Jones inscribed them. They were later reinterpreted by another astrologer, Dane Rudhyar. Perhaps, the Sabian Symbol for the Moon at this moment is the interpretation of what all those Pisces planets are telling us: A MERRY-GO-ROUND. AN OBJECTIVE APPROACH TO THE LIFE FORCE. We constantly go around, and around, and, at the same time, we go up and down. It is the full acceptance of this whirling circle which frees us from feeling we are under its mastery.

Artist: Pamela Coleman Smith from the Smith-Waite Tarot

This Tarot card, the Wheel of Fortune, like the Merry Go Round card at the top of the page has an astrological connection to Jupiter. Jupiter is the ruling planet of Pisces, and at this moment forms a lovely square to Venus and Mars in conjunction. Early in the morning the three planets make a beautiful sight in the morning sky. Jupiter, in Earth centered Taurus forms a loose trine (same element) to the full Moon in Virgo. Our planet is blessed by this arrangement of planets, and as much as we can feel the sadness and despair of so much scary news about the degradation of the Earth by human beings, it may be an important moment to focus on what possible evolutionary steps are possible to make us worthy of our home.

Sarah Fuhro teaches Astrology and Tarot workshops in person and on line. She offers both clients and students knowledge powerfully rooted in the past, in the language of the present. You can subscribe to her newsletters or make an appointment for an Astrology or Tarot consultation @sarahfuhro@gmail.com or text 508 740 7039.

Bruce Lhuillier is a French artist who lives between the Catskills Mountains of New York and French Britany. His love for nature fuels his adventurous personality and pursuit of sacred forest and historic relics. He loves exploring symbols in nature and spirituality that connect us all to one other.

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A New Moon in Aquarius, Friday February 9, 2024 5:59 PM EST 

Artist: Will Worthington from the Druid Animal Oracle    Philip and Stephanie Carr-Gomm

The new Moon in Aquarius is the marker for the Chinese New Year. This year, we enter the Year of the Dragon, considered to be the most fortunate of all the twelve signs.  It’s interesting to compare Asian and Western notions about dragons. Dragons in the West are terrifying monsters, destructive and greedy. The Christian saints killed the last of the dragons, yet they reappear in story and song. Occasionally they are wise guides and helpers, but most of the time, they are the beast to be killed by the hero.  In Asian countries, the dragon represents good fortune, the powers of the Earth, and is courted and thanked for blessings. It is time to come back to earth spirit roots of the dragon, and this year is the perfect time to get reacquainted! 

photo: Bruce Lhuillier

As Western people we now are in the throes of realization. Christianity and capitalism broke our connection to the Earth. We have imposed that same confusion upon indigenous people as colonialism spread through out the world. We have damaged the ground beneath our feet, polluted the air we breath and the water we drink. Let us hope the year of the Dragon awakens our connection to the elements and to the beauty and wonder which surrounds us. 

The keyword for the Sabian Symbol of this new Moon in Aquarius is ‘Resilience.’ The sign of Aquarius carries the gift of novel insights, new ways of looking at new and old problems.  The lunar cycle is the gift of a new start every twenty eight days. Friday evening we begin anew. Uranus who is the co-ruler of Aquarius was discovered at a time of revolution in the Western world. This planet was discovered by means of new technology, the telescope. On the day of the new Moon, Uranus will be in a tight square to the new Moon and Sun. If you have an intractable problem, this might be the moment to see things in a new way…a way of courage in the face of adversity.  

Photo: Bruce Lhuiller

The Sabian Symbol* for the degree where Uranus is located: ’WISPS OF WING-LIKE CLOUDS STREAMING ACROSS THE SKY. The awareness of spiritual forces at work.’ Uranus deepens the message of the new Moon in Aquarius. It suggests we have guides, and teachers all around us, willing to communicate through the natural world, the constellation of Taurus where Uranus is located. That Taurus Uranus is in a tight Earth embrace with Venus in Capricorn. They promise to celebrate the new Moon in Aquarius with us, in excitement and beauty. 

photo: Robert Fuhro 

*Sabian Symbols are verbal images for each degree of the Zodiac, channeled by psychic Elsie  Wheeler and transcribed by the astrologer Marc Edmund Jones in 1925. They were revised by Dane Rudhyar in his book Astrology of Personality. 

Sarah Fuhro teaches Astrology and Tarot workshops in person and on line. She offers both clients and students knowledge powerfully rooted in the past, in the language of the present. You can subscribe to her newsletters or make an appointment for an Astrology or Tarot consultation @sarahfuhro@gmail.com or text 508 740 7039.

Bruce Lhuillier is a French artist who lives between the Catskills Mountains of New York and French Britany. His love for nature fuels his adventurous personality and pursuit of sacred forest and historic relics. He loves exploring symbols in nature and spirituality that connect us all to one other.

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May 16, 2022 12:14 AM EDT

photo: Sarah Fuhro

Astrologically and culturally much has happened since the new Moon in Taurus began on April 30. Astrologically, the Sun and Mercury have moved out of the cauldron pattern of the past many months, which suggests a freedom of action and possibility not available before this. Culturally, we know the Supreme Court plans to jettison Rove v. Wade after 50 years of safe abortion. The leak was released on May 2 as the Moon entered Gemini, a sign of information, communication and the location where Mercury went into retrograde on Tuesday. Retrograde, we roll back our thoughts, our words. We edit and think about where we have been and where we are going.

There will be a blood red Moon visible as a total lunar eclipse occurs on Sunday night. The Moon is close to perigee (cosest to Earth) for this eclipse making it even more intense. The second total lunar eclipse will occur at 7:00 am on midterm election day. What difference will it make to our country and each of our lives? Looking at this chart, It would seem as if this is a moment to focus on community, and what we each contribute to community. Saturn is in Aquarius, the sign of community, groups, future vision. He is square (equidistant) from Sun and Moon at the time of this lunar eclipse.

photo: Robert Fuhro

Each degree of the zodiac has been assigned a verbal image, called a Sabian Symbol. The symbol for Aquarius is: ‘A BUTTERFLY WITH THE RIGHT WING MORE PERFECTLY FORMED. A strong process of conscious individualization is suggested, perhaps at the expense of the instinctual-emotional aspect of the personality (its “left side”).’ At this moment Saturn, the builder may remind us that we have a responsibility to work with every possible structure we can mobilize to create the community we believe we want.

photo: Sarah Fuhro

Ah, but as always there is a balance to this urge from Saturn to get mobilized politically and structurally. My eye is drawn to Venus in Aries with Chiron (healer of warriors) close by her side, also in Aries. This is warrior energy, and Venus has some interesting allies. According to her Sabian Symbol: ‘NATURE SPIRITS ARE SEEN AT WORK IN THE LIGHT OF SUNSET.  KEYNOTE: Attunement to the potency of invisible forces, of nature.    

Venus represents the feminine, and this powerful lunar eclipse is set off with Sun in Taurus, a feminine sign, ruled by Venus. And with Moon, feminine, and ruled by Mars. A collective energy has been awakened and, as the title of this piece suggests: we are in new territory. ‘(PEOPLE) MAKING CAMP AFTER MOVING INTO A NEW TERRITORY. KEYNOTE: The ability to adjust swiftly to a new situation by tuning in to its requirements. He who lives in harmony with nature, moving on as new needs arise, finds himself intuitively at home everywhere. He does not make demands upon life, for he has identified himself with the great rhythms of the biosphere and he functions at peace with what they produce.’ Dane Rudhyar: An Astrological Mandala.

photo: Bruce Lhuillier

Perhaps this photo sums up the Venus in Aries theme. The Rose is the symbol of Venus. In this photo, the Rose is constructed of metal (Mars, ruler of Aries) and lies over a stone with the Labyrinth of Crete painted upon its surface, symbol matriarchal times. Those who would dismiss the feminine in themselves, in the political world or in the natural world, will not survive the changes demanded by cosmic rhythms.

Hope you all get to see this Moon her lunar eclipse!

I will teach an online seminar on Sunday May 15 2-4 in celebration of this full Moon and the deep connection between Astrology and Plants. $35 You can register at sarahfuhro@gmail.com .

Sarah Fuhro      The Wisdom Tradition evolved over the centuries to address our deepest human needs. Sarah Fuhro is a practitioner of its many forms; including Astrology, Tarot, Flower Essences and Druidry. In addition to personal consultations, Sarah teaches workshops and private classes, offering both clients and students knowledge powerfully rooted in the past, presented in the language of the present.   For an appointment or to be notified of classes call 508 740 7039 or email her at sarahfuhro@gmail.com.

Bruce Lhuillier Is a French artist and photographer currently living in the Catskill Mountains of New York.   His ability to capture spirit in his photos and paintings is both unique and  visionary.  You can find his work on Etsy at https://www.etsy.com/shop/Barknstone.

I am informed and enlightened by The Lunar Calendar. You can find this source of Moon wisdom and delight at https://www.thelunapress.com/

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